The Service Hero Show, hosted by Tamara L. Hunter, shares the “Inspiring Stories of Those Inspiring Others.” With a firm belief that “We all have a Service Hero Inside,” Tamara explores how real people can be heroes making a difference in the world.

As a cancer survivor, Tamara is determined to ease the suffering and isolation of those facing cancer through a 501c3 non-profit organization, Chemo Buddies for Life. ( After co-founding the organization, she was traveling the nation sharing the message, and was challenged to create “365 Days of Awesome” of filmed content. Being Tamara, it was not enough to film, she would go Facebook Live. She also modified the shows to include “Celebrate Success Through Service” and called her guests “Service Heroes”.

Being Tamara, it was not enough to film, she would go Facebook Live. She also modified the shows to include “Celebrate Success Through Service” and called her guests “Service Heroes”.

Now in its third season, The Service Hero Show has featured the stories of over 400 Service Heroes. She will continue until we all see that we can be “Service Heroes” and together we can make our world a better place.


Service Hero Show

Service Hero Show

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Tamara L. Hunter | Host Service Hero Show | (951) 501-9939 |

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